So, once I got my second LCD, it wasn't long until I was looking into how to get it setup in Linux.
It didn't take me long to get to a good walk through. The issue was I couldn't get the walk through to work. I was copying and pasting the commands in the guide, but nothing seemed to be changing in the xorg.conf file. As it turns out, the dashes in the guide, don't paste as the correct dashes into the gnome terminal. So, I just typed the command myself and it then worked fine.
So, I got it setup and the login screen would work fine with the extended desktop mode but as soon as I logged into Gnome it would cut into cloning mode. It took me a while to find out what the issue was, but with a refined search into Google I finally found the answer. I had to delete an entry from the Gnome configuration which was setting the resolution every time I logged in.
Once this was taken care of then all was working properly with Gnome and its extended desktop. Now, Gnome doesn't have a nice configuration utility that allows you to easily turn off extended desktop and such. But, in Ubuntu, when I go to the screen resolution program, I see that the resolution I'm running when in extended desktop is 2048x1536. So, if I just bump this down to 1280x1024, then it switches to cloning.
So, I'm enjoying the extra screen space in Linux and am quite impressed with how well it handles the dual screen setup.
Here are some useful links that will helped me get my setup running.
ATI Dual Monitor Setup - Don't copy & paste the commands from this article
Beryl Project
Ubuntu Forums - fix Gnome so it supports the dual-view
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