This past Memorial day I decided to upgrade my Ubuntu version. I was currently running 6.06 but fealt the need to upgrade to get some of the updated versions of programs like Firefox, Gaim, and Rhythmbox.
I started the process in the morning, and followed the guide from here. It took several hours, but it eventually downloaded all the files needed and updated the system. I then rebooted when it was all done. I had a little trouble with the video drivers, but after some quick configuration changes in the xorg.conf file it then worked fine. I tested most of the sytem applications and my personal applications which all worked fine. No real issues were found.
So, after a few hours, I decided, I wanted to upgrade again from 6.10 to the latest 7.04. I figured the hardest part was over, I thought going to 7.04 would be a simple change. Well I was wrong.
I used the graphical updater and it started the process. The first bump was that it didn't have enough space on the root partition. I then proceeded to remove unnecesary Kernel sources I had laying around as well as many other things. After a little effort I was able to free up enough space for it to do the upgrade process. This took over two hours for it to do all of its downloading. I went to grab some food to eat while it was doing its installation process. My plan was that it would be all done when I returned.
Well, this is not quite how it went down. I got back and things looked well. It was at the login screen but failed to login. I then rebooted and the system wouldn't even load. It failed to even load the kernel. So, I then loaded the Ubuntu Live CD. I loaded the hard drive system and looked at the state of the packages installed. As it turns out, not all the packages were configured, so I reran the process to get things up and running. Some packages couldn't setup becaure when they try to configure, they fail because they try to startup process but since the system isn't running its not possible. So I had to edit there configuration scripts so they wouldn't try to startup any processes.
Once I got most of the critical components fixed I then rebooted and things loaded properly and I was able to finish the rest of the process no problem from the command prompt. It took a while to get the fglrx drivers working again, but after doing some changes to the xorg.conf file and uninstalling the fglrx drivers and reloading the repository, I then was given a different version of the fglrx drivers which then worked fine.
So, now I am running Ubuntu 7.04 which originally started as Ubuntu 5.10 a year and a half ago. This system has been incredibly stable and I almost feel its faster now after this upgrade. Maybe its just me.
All in all I'm very impressed with the new Ubuntu and can't wait to try out some of its new features.
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