Saturday, June 23, 2007

Fun with Ubuntu 7.04

Not long after getting Ubuntu 7.04 up and running did I have the need to check out what was new and play around some.

The first thing I new that was new was OpenOffice. The version was now 2.2. I knew in 2.1 they added the ability for Impress, their Presentation program, to output to a second monitor. I knew this worked in Windows but what I wanted to know was if they also made it work in Linux. So I proceeded to open the application. I already had my extended desktop setup, so all I had to do was see if OpenOffice would work. I went to the slideshow settings and sure enough, there was the option for which monitor the slideshow would output too.

The other program that had a newer feature I wanted to setup was Rhythmbox. This newer version now supported album clipart. So, I proceeded to play some of my albums and it would try to find the albums automatically from The issue was that it didn't always grab the 100% correct one or it didn't find one at all. So, I then began a search to find out how its underlying system works so I could possibly provide it my own clipart instead because I already had all the album covers for all my music. I did a bit of searching and came a across a forum with someone asking my very question. Fortunately for me, someone had already replied with the answer.

All that has to be done, is the album cover is in the directory with the album as a jpeg and named as one of the following:
"cover", "album", "albumart", ".folder", "folder"

Then Everything worked fine for the albums that didn't have the art already, but the ones that previously had art found, were still displaying. I then had to navigate into the Rhythmbox directory and remove the ones it had saved. Then everything was fine.

For the most part, everything else stayed the same but these two changes kept me entertained for a while as I was trying to get them setup. So far I'm loving the new Ubuntu and can't wait for more new applications and features to be added.


Forums explaining setting up Rythmbox

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