So, I decided I needed something to keep track of my many passwords. A buddy at work introduced a program named Keepass to me. I really like the program and wanted something similar to it for my computer at home in Linux.
I found a program in the Ubuntu repository named Password Manager but I just didn't like the interface as much as Keepass. I looked at the Keepass site and found they had a port to Linux named KeepassX. This made me quite excited. I installed it and wholla, I was up and running.
Now, I have all my passwords for all my Internet accounts located in one simple database that is encrypted by passcode and key file.
If you're like me, and are having issues when you come to a site you haven't been to in over a year and can't even remember your username, then this is the program for you. It will securely keep track of that information with ease.
KeePassX - Linux version
KeePass - Windows version
KeePass is an excellent product of the download-and-install variety. However, there are also online services - free of course - which offer anytime, anywhere access in addition to strong cryptographic algorithms.
Online access eliminates the need to sync between machines when moving back and forth between home, laptop and office. It also makes sharing among partners easier as everyone can access the same information without running into distribution problems.
Is that something you would be interested in?
Here's a short article comparing online and offline password managers:
I'm a PassPack founder so, yes, that article is posted on our company blog - but the comparison is written to be objective so go ahead and have a look.
Tara Kelly
PassPack Founding Partner
I'm also exited about keepass and keepassX.
I'm using both. It is realy exciting that you can use the same database.
But does anybody knows how to use URL in kepassX like it can be used in keepass. In Win I can open ssh with putty with no user or password enetring. Is there any solution for opening ssh in keepassX?
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